Friday, May 15, 2009

Some Boxes, A Wedding, and Roasted Cat Fur!

Doesn't that title just draw you in??? Well then you must read on to find out what I'm talking about! 

Since coming back from California on Tuesday, I've spent the past three days packing up boxes to ship over to Mike. In total, I've sent over TWENTY of them! Now before you freak, let me just say that these boxes are quite small, about the size of two text books put together. On the first day that I went to the post office, the lady was really nice and told me I could save a lot of money if I packed all my things in the small priority boxes because the aren't charged by their weight. The standard price is $11.95 a box so times that by twenty and it adds up for sure. But, realistically it could have been so much more had I packed large ones and was charged by their weight. The ladies at the post office have be SO nice. They know me by name at this point and keep giving me all of the priority boxes for free! It has made my life so much easier and I'm so grateful that they are being so helpful. I have one last stack of boxes to take to the post office today and that should be it! (Minus the box of Christmas decorations that I'm not sending over right away.) 

Tomorrow morning, my mom and I are getting up early and driving to NY to pick up Molly's wedding dress and alcohol for the wedding. Monday and Tuesday will be spent cleaning the house, picking up programs and dropping off supplies for the reception. Then on Wednesday, our family will start flying in up until Friday. On that day, we'll have the rehearsal, the dinner, and maybe celebrate my birthday in between all of that? (Shout out to my Auntie, it'll be her birthday too!) Then Molly's wedding is on Saturday! I'm SO excited! I've written a pretty unique speech and after the wedding, I will post it for fun so you guys can read it. Unfortunately, there will be no pictures from me for a while : ( Remember when boo-boo schmitty lost her life due to the sunscreen explosion? Welp, my camera did as well. 

Oh and on a side note, Molly's cat Milo is an idiot. I had a candle light in my room and Milo thought it'd be a great idea to stand over the candle and roast his fur! Now he has a black mark under his tummy and when I went to check him to make sure he still wasn't on fire (yikes!) he swatted at me! He hates having his tummy touched, let alone roasted by a small flame : ) So the purpose of lighting this candle was to make my room smell good, but now it smells like burnt cat fur...


mandahugandkiss said...

omg, the part about the cat roasting his hair was genuinely funny! thanks for following my blog. i'm trying to get the hang of blogging. i hope all is well!

Rae said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! hahhahaha....roasted cat fur....that phrase will be stuck in my mind for quite some time. It sounds like you have definitely got your hands full, my lady! I'm glad the post office has been friendly and helpful. I hope all of the busy stuff passes with speed and some fun along the way!