Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend Events

I had the most amazing time with Mike this weekend and we really didn't do anything that grand! On Friday night, we met up with Mike's old flight commander (and now friend) and had a few drinks...Well, I'm being nice when I said Mike had a few but it was Friday and lets just say he had a good time. Surprisingly I did too even though I was the dd! We got in really late that night and weren't able to sleep in because Mike wanted to go skiing again. It was so fun, just the two of us on the mountain most of the time. Mike told me that I was "a very good little skier" which is saying a lot from him because he's great at it. There aren't many physical activities we can do together besides running and skiing so its very fun to create memories like that. Plus, although we look forward to our weekends together, we sort have a routine that involves running a lot of errands. It's so fun to change it up a bit! 

Right now I'm at the airport on my way to my sister's bridal shower!'s a surprise! We're actually hosting it for both Molly and Ben and I'm not going to give any details away on this in case she does read it. Although, she is so busy she never has time to but just in case. I will post pictures of it next week. 

Leaving Mike for my four day weekend was not hard but just different. I'm so relieved that I don't have to be in a long distance relationship with him anymore. So when I say different, it's just funny to say bye when we're at the airport cause it's not this long drawn out process. We had a good laugh this morning when he dropped me off because we reminisced on our usual goodbyes. Basically we hug and kiss like thirty times and give each other a long speech about how we'll see each other in a month, how its good that we're going back because we both have a lot to do and it won't be much longer til we live together. Today it was like a slap on the butt and a "c-ya later" kind of good bye. But back to the leaving part...It's good to get away sometimes because we're living in a tiny room and basically on top of each other. He's really excited to have his "guys" weekend. He has plans to go eat at Rhudy's...a good bbq place in abq, ski with the guys for free (military special), and play lots of playstation while I'm away. I don't know how that equates to a guys weekend though cause I let him do those things even when I am around! 

One last thing that has nothing to do with my post is but is good info for you guys is to go see the following movies: The Wrestler with Mickey Rourke and Grand Torino with Clint Eastwood. Both are GREAT movies to see with your spouse and leave you thinking about it for days afterward. I'll be honest and say that neither have a really happy ending, but they are well worth the $10 you'll pay to see it. I highly recommend them both. 

1 comment:

Kirby said...

Have a great trip. I can't wait to see pictures of the shower! Tell your cute mom and sister hello for me, I love those girls!