1. I will stop saying bad words...but lets be honest, it's going to take a while. My plan is to limit my foul mouth to one, maybe two bad words a day and then gradually decrease my allowance until I am not saying any naughty words by the end of the month. I need to focus on replacement words such as "fudge" "shnikey" "geez louise" "gosh darn" (Please feel free to provide any other suggestions)
2. I will floss my teeth everyday. I'm honest when I say that flossing is not my favorite thing to do in life and I'm lucky if I squeeze in a good floss twice a week! My dentist says my teeth are great but that's still not an excuse for not keeping my gums healthy.
3. I will get back on the wagon with a healthy diet. In college, I was great at making sure I had enough fruits, vegetables, and protein throughout the day. Now that I live in a hotel room and don't have a kitchen...it's hard to maintain that balance. I also need to take my vitamins.
4. I will exercise 5-6 days a week. Sounds like a lot huh? Well, I have done extensive research on health and fitness throughout my life and I'm going to honest when I say I've sort of fallen off the bandwagon. Before thanksgiving, I worked out everyday at the gym and was very happy with my effort...BUT then I'd go home and eat Oreo cookies so that kind of cancelled my exercise out. Heck, last year I was in grad school and worked 30 hours a week and I STILL had time to train for a marathon. It's almost better when you're busy cause you're less likely to develop this laziness. I will make the effort to alternate cardio and strength training every other day. Research says that you burn more calories and fat when you incorporate strength into your exercise regime rather than just cardio alone. This is because your body burns a lot of fat and calories to repair those torn muscles hours after you have left the gym. That sore feeling is a good feeling in other words : )
Okay, I think four resolutions is enough for me to conquer this year. It's official. I've posted it on my blog for all of you to see. I understand that I will not see changes overnight, and may not actually master any of these resolutions until the end of next year. But I've got time.
You are such an inspiration Bridget! I remember our nutritional talks in college and how they motivated me - you are still doing it! I''m looking forward to our conversation tomorrow as well. I'm so excited about this and totally forgot your experience up there!
Kate and Nancy Angelovic and I are with you in the diet/exercise resolutions! Hopefully you won't even recognize Auntie M at Molly's wedding.
Your New Year sounded just perfect! Finally, a mini-honeymoon. Just think how many of those you are entitled to because you didn't get a "real" one right after your wedding!
May God bless our new year in unexpected and amazing ways,
good resolutions...and good luck. my resolutions tend to end up pathetic because i drop the ball. you've inspired me...thats saying a lot. happy new year!
Bridget - You look so beautiful in your wedding dress. You have now inspired me to exercise and eat a healthier diet. Both Del and I really enjoyed your stamp - what a marvelous work! If you're ever in Arizona (Davis Monthan?), please look us up.
Miss you bunches - Lisa McCune
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