Monday, February 23, 2009

She's a Winner!

Last week I got a call from Molly telling me that she was a finalist in the Haas Avocado Recipe Contest. To qualify for the contest, Molly had to create her own original recipe using...haas avocados. I really can't remember exactly what she made but I have some great pictures of what the end result looked like! 

So after finding out that she was a finalist (which meant that she would at least receive $500), a few days later she found out that she was the grand prize winner! With the grand prize, Molly has won a free trip to San Francisco valued at $5000 plus $1000 in spending money! Her recipe will also be featured in various magazines! Way to go Molly! You've finally won something! 

Today is also Molly's 27th birthday so Happy Birthday Molly! I love you! 

1 comment:

Kirby said...

Wow how cool is that. She is so talented, and all the stuff she made looks amazing! Way to go Mol!