Monday, May 19, 2008

Hasn't hit me yet

So I'm sitting in my dorm room with John and Kate plus 8 in the background. I've got a cup of pomegranate tea on my night stand with my cell and remote control resting on my lap. Plus my mac so a lot is taking place at this moment...Life is kinda weird right now because I don't really have anything to do. I mean I'm still working (double shifts the majority of this week) until the middle of June and then I'm taking the Teachers College Reading Institute for the first week in July. Then I will leave this beautiful city with all of the dancing bums and barking men to a better place filled with toothless bums and tobacco spitting men. See? New York and Alabama really aren't that different. 

Living here has been a bittersweet experience. Although I don't have a diploma in hand, I've done what I needed to do to finish the program. Seriously, I didn't know if I would make it through the program until my thesis was approved. I always had a feeling that being here was too good to be true and that someone would realize they made a mistake when they accepted me here and then kick me out. But it hasn't happened so far so I feel like I'm pretty much guaranteed a diploma from this place. I won't be participating in the graduation ceremony cause they won't let me walk with just 3 credits shy but what could you do? I don't really care. I have flashbacks from graduation at Clemson being stuck in the center of the arena and freaking cause I had to pee but I didn't think I could just get up and walk out during the ceremony. 

Besides paper writing and researching, NY has blessed me with new memories and growing independence. I am among friends in this vegetarian friendly city and can always find exactly what I'm looking for. I buy my produce from the farmers market on Thursdays and run by the same old man and his french bulldog at least twice a week. He seems like a grumpy old man but the next time I see him, I'm going to stop and talk to him. I mean, this guy is OLD and he takes the time to walk his OLD french bulldog both morning and afternoon. They look alike...seriously. The dog even walks like his owner...head down with a soft trot and appreciation for Morningside Drive. 

My birthday's coming up on Thursday and I've got plans to see the new Indiana Jones movie with Mol, Ben, Howard, and Tazzy Bear on Friday or Saturday. I don't think I'm doing anything on my actual birthday. Last year I remember I ate a milky way bar in my room and sang "Happy Birthday" to myself so anything should be better than that experience. 

Happy May!


Emily said...

Have a great birthday! Wow...your last one sounded rather sad (but the candy bar sounded nice!). Congrats on finishing school!

Becky said...

Actually, if I remember correctly, you were buying a slice of cheesecake while talking on the phone with me on your Birthday, last year. Unless we only discussed the cheesecake and you never actually bought it. I miss you poo!! You should come to AZ :(

I am so proud of you!